Convenience store - ART of BODYWORK training

What other practitioners say:

"I’m truly so grateful. The results are phenomenal!"
- SW - Queensland, Australia -

"I love the scoliosis work - it’s amazing!"
- LD - California, USA -

"The moves for head extension blow me away."
- KW - California, USA -

"The lumbar disc work saved me! Thank you for sharing."
- GB - Australia -

"Your work is very profound yet simple and straightforward!"
- PM - Oxford, UK -

"This stuff is so simple - I don’t believe it works so quickly."
- ST - Lancashire, UK -

"I love the work for pronated feet - it’s a game changer and made a big difference to so many people. Wunderbar!"
- SL - Germany -
Can't make it to a class? See our ONLINE training
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AoB Convenience Store

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Choose your three video tutorials for 139 Euro
(includes one hour live video call)

Details of each AoB technique can be found HERE
Please choose one AoB tutorial from each category, fill in your name and email adress and then click the "SELECT" button to send your choice to us and wait to be redirected to the next page where you can make your payment.

As soon as we have received both - your choice and your payment - we will send you the links to the videos and also the link to make the appointment for the video call.

***PLEASE add our email address to your list of contacts so you receive all our messages.***

Atlas Correction Lumbar Disc Releases Scoliosis
Breast Care Work Rotated Ilium Thoracic Releases

Ankle Releases Iliotibial Band Respiration
Foot Pronation Piriformis Thigh Adductors

Acromio-Clavicular Joint Pisiform Reproductive Organs
Head Extension Quadratus Lumborum Shoulder Abduction

Now click the "Confirm selection and continue with payment" button below and wait to be redirected to the payment page.
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